Entries by Angie Vertucci

Ice Cream Social

West Winfield, NY: The Millers Mills Community is again planning their annual Ice Cream Social for Sunday, July 21, 2024, at Noon. The Millers Mills Grange sponsors the event and feels compelled to carry on this tradition to offer younger generations an opportunity to step back in time and experience a task that their ancestors […]


The Ice Cream Social is scheduled for July 21/2024 (National Ice Cream Day!) featuring live music, games and food.  Activities start at noon.  Bring lawn chairs for seating.  Follow GPS location to 107 Finger Ave., West Winfield, NY 13439

Ice Harvest 2023

Millers Mills Ice Harvest for February 12, 2023 Is Off Again The inconsistent winter weather has once again forced the Millers Mills Ice Harvest to be canceled.  Although there is some ice on the pond, the danger is too great for both workers or visitors.  The current weather forecast for rain the coming week does […]

February 10, 2019 Ice Harvest

The Ice Harvest for Sunday, February 10, 2019, HAS BEEN CANCELED.  Rain has caused us to lose our ice and more rain is expected.  Check here or on our Facebook Page for updates.